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For Vittek and others interested... Archaic English

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 20/12/2001 11:09
14/12/2001 12:40
Scheda Utente
Post: 13
Registrato il: 25/11/2001
Sesso: Femminile
Ok, here are some words... made a new topic since there is alot!

achilding : Adjective, means Pregnant.

acs, acsen: (aks) Verb: Ask, to ask.

alas: Interjection: Used to express sorrow, grief, etc.

afeard: Afraid.

albeit: Conjunction: Although, even if.

ambage, ambages: (AM'bij) Noun: Winding pathway.

an't: Contraction: Are not. Am not.

anight: Adverb: By night.

anon: (uh-NAHN') Adverb: In a short time; soon; at once; immediately.

assay: Noun: Attempt. Verb: To attempt, test, make proof of.

attend: Verb: To listen to.

atwain: In two, asunder.

awaygoing: Noun: Departure. Also, waygoing.

ax, axen: (aks) Verb: Ask, to ask.

baileywick, baileywyck: Noun. One's area of skill, knowledge, operation or responsibility.

bane: (bayn) Noun: Fatal injury or ruin; A cause of death, destruction, or ruin; A deadly poison.

behoof: Noun: Advantage, profit.

beck: Noun: A small stream.

bethink: Verb: To call to mind, to remember: Bethink what life was like before the Nett and email.; To cause (oneself) to call to mind, remind: He bethought himself of the importance of being on time.

betweentimes: At or during intervals.

betwixt: (bi-TWIKST') Preposition: Between. idiom: betwixt and

blench: Verb: To start aside, flinch.

blather: Verb: To talk nonsense.

blood temp: Noun. Rather like room temp, but a better standard for certain.

bonny: Adjective: Good looking, or of good character.

bosk: Noun: A small wood, grove; thicket.

bosky: Adjective: Covered with underwood, covered with trees or shrubs.

brook: Verb: to put up with, tolerate.

clepe, clept, ycleped, yclept: (i-KLEPT') Verb/transitive: To call by the name of, name, called, named.

copse: Noun: Thicket, a dense local growth of bushes or small trees.

deasil: Adverb: Clockwise.

dhee: Pronoun: you (thee)

dhine: Pronoun: yours (thine), and used in stead of thy before an initial vowel or h: Know thine enemy.

dhou: Pronoun: you (thou)

dhy: Pronoun: your (thy)

dwarmy: Adjective: refers to unwholesome weather, or to feeling unwell. Dwarmy weather is generally cold and humid, or hot and humid. It is a miserable, dwarmy day out. or I'm feeling a wee bit dwarmy today. I think I'll stay home.

elder: Adjective: Older, when speaking of people. I am one year her elder. I am the elder. I am the elder of the children.

eldest: Adjective: Oldest, when speaking of people. I am one year her elder. I am the eldest. I am the eldest of the children.

ere: Preposition: Previous to, before.

erelong: Adverb: Before long; soon.

ergo: Therefore, hence.

fain: (fayn) Adverb: Preferably, rather; Happily, gladly.

fit: Noun: A section of a poem or ballad; a canto or division of a song.

forfend: Verb: To prevent, avert, fend off: A study found that eating tomatoes may help forfend cancer.

forsooth: Interjection: In truth, indeed.

forstraught: Very much perplexed.

fortnight: (FORT'night) Noun: Two weeks. Fourteen nights. Adverb: fortnightly, once every two weeks.

gainsay: Verb: To deny, to contradict.

garth: Noun: An enclosed yard, garden, or paddock.

gemynd: Noun: Memory, mind.

gloam: Noun: Twilight.

han't: Contraction: have not.

happen: Perhaps. General Northern England dialect.

hearken: Verb/intransitive: To give ear, to hear attentively.

hense: From this place. Originally hence.
henseforward: Onward from this time or place. Originally henceforward.

highnys: Noun: Height. Adapted from the Old English heanes.

hight: Verb/transitive: Called, named.

hither: To this place.

hord: Hoard, a hidden store or accumulation.
ic, ich, ik: Pronoun: I.

kneeve: Noun: 1) Fist. 2) Elbow. Also used as a verb, as in to kneeve somebody in the ribs.

lake: To play. Old Yorkshire dialect. (Hense the saying, "Nobbut wa'penny twixt' worker a't' laker i't' wake."

lass: Girl, sweetheart, wife.

lief: (leef) Adverb: Readily, willingly. Adjective: ready, willing.

lightmote: Noun: Light particle, photon.

longnys: Noun: Length. .
maiden's pooley: Noun: a virgin's pee. Perhaps of Scottish origin.

maðum, maðm, maððum, madhum, mathom: Noun: A treasured object of value received as a gift.

meet: Adjective: Suitable, proper. Or can use 'met' as in Well
Met; Good to meet you.

mote: Noun: A small particle.

napper: Noun: Head.

nary: From Old and Middle English næfre (ne æfre). 1. Adjective: Not one, not a single. Nary (a) word was spoken. 2. Adverb: never. If they are not so old, and not so interesting, nary ye mind.

ne: Not. Pronounced as in nut.

neive: Noun: 1) Fist. 2) Elbow.

nigh: Adverb: near in time, place or relationship (also nigher, nighest). Evening draws nigh. Adjective: being near in time, place or relationship (also nigher, nighest); being on the left side of an animal or cart, or being the animal or the cart on the left. pulling hard on the nigh rein, the nigh horse. Verb, transitive or intransitive: to come near or to draw near (also nighed, nighing, nighs). Springtime nighs.

nobbut: Only (nothing but?). Nobbut a Cockstride Away.

nonse: Noun: For this occasion only, for the nonse, corrupted from for then once; nonceword; originally nonce.

oft: Often. As in German!

ort: Noun. Leaving, refuse.

oxter: Noun. Armpit. A Scots word, of Anglo-Saxon origin.

passing: Adjective. Originally had the meaning of today's
surpassing: to go beyond in excellence or achievement. example... She was indeed passing fair, and all, to a man.

pinchknees: Noun. Knee high stockings.

plaguey: Adjective: refers to unwholesome weather. It is a plaguey day. We will all have mildew by high tea.

prithee: Please, I pray thee.

quicken: Verb: To stimulate, to cause to become enlivened.

rune: Noun. Mystery, magic.

sans: Without.

selfhood: Noun. Individuality.

sennight: (SEN'ight) Noun: A week. Seven nights. Adverb: sennightly, once a week.

sertes: (SER'teez) Adverb: Certainly; truly. Originally certes.

simmit: Noun: A large undershirt.

spæc, spræc: Noun: Modern English speech or language

specan, sprecan: Verb: Just like to speak in modern English

stede: Noun: The place, position, or function properly or customarily occupied by another.
take shank's mare: Verb: to walk, to go by the power of one's own shanks.

thense: From that place. Originally thence.

thenseforward: Onward from that time or place. Originally

thither: (THITH'uhr) Adverb: To or toward that place; in that direction; there: running hither and thither; To or toward that end or result. Adjective: thither, located or being on the more distant side, far, the thither side of the pond

today night: Tonight.

tunge: Noun: Modern tongue.

ugsome: (UHG'suhm) Adjective: Disgusting; loathsome.

umbrage: (UHM'brij) Noun: Something that affords shade; shadow or shade.

unwonted: (uhn-WAWN'tid) Adjective: Not habitual or ordinary; unusual. Not accustomed; unused to. Adverb: unwontedly. Noun: unwontednys.

usury: (YOO'zhuh-ree) Noun: Interest charged or paid on a loan.

ut-: Out. This word can stand alone or be used as a prefix.
waygoing: Noun: Departure. Also, awaygoing.

weald: Noun: Forest, wood, grove, but also bushes or foliage.
welkin, welcn, wolcn, wolcen: Noun: Sky, clouds, heaven. Adjective: skyblue, azure, cerulean.

welter: Noun: Turmoil, confusion.

whenas: (wen-AZ') Conjunction: When. Whereas.

whense: From what place? Originally whence.

whereat: At or upon which.

wherefore: For which cause or reason. For what?

wherefrom: From which.

wherein: In which. In what way or respect?

whereof: Of what: I know whereof I speak;

whereon: On which or what. On what?

wheresoever: In, to, or from whatever place at all; wherever.

whereto: To which. To what end or purpose?

whither: To what place?

widdershins: Adverb: Counterclockwise. In a wrong or contrary direction.

wight: Noun: a living being, creature, person.

wold: Noun: Forest, wood, grove, but also bushes or foliage.

wont: (wunt) Noun: Habit, custom, usage. Adjective: accustomed,
habituated: followed by an infinitive.

wyrd: (weerd) Noun: Fate.

wyrt: (weert) Noun: Herb, plant.

yesternight: The night of yesterday. The yester- of yesterday (and of yesteryear, coined by Dante Gabriel Rossetti) was originally a freestanding word meaning "yesterday", but by the time records of it in Old English begin it was already locked into a collocation with day.

I hope this is some help to you! :-) Will look for more words as well...


Here are a few more...

Thee = You, as in when you are talking to the person

Thou = Your, again, as you are talking to the person

Canst = Cannot... Thou canst know thy meaning of thy quest milord

Mayhap = Perhaps

Methink/s = My thoughs, as in... Methinks thy quest is honorable

Will add more when I remember to bring my word list from home! Oie! lol

Fury: "Blood thou canst see and fire; and canst hear groans... Worse things unheard, unseen, remain behind."

Prometheus: :"Worse?"

Realms of Mysteria

Brian Lumley's Message Board

[Modificato da EmalethDonnelaith 18/12/2001 12:44]

18/12/2001 17:59
Scheda Utente
Post: 94
Registrato il: 02/11/2001
Sesso: Maschile
Wow. Thank for the list

"...Religion and sex are powerplays-Manipulate the people for the money they pay-Selling skin,selling god-The number look the same on their credit cards..."
19/12/2001 11:58
Scheda Utente
Post: 14
Registrato il: 25/11/2001
Sesso: Femminile
A few more helpful links
I'm glad I could help! I am adding a few more links that might help. One is a wonderful site that I have on my SCA (Society of Creative Anacronism) web page, filled to the brim with everything Medieval and more. I use it quite often for reference when I do RPG to get more authentic in my stories.

Odin's Castle of Dreams and Legends

Online Medieval & Classical Library... great for reference

Archaic English A to Z

Caitrina inghean Gille-Petair... my SCA web page... many, many helpful links for reference as well

I hope these are helpful as well :-)
Fury: "Blood thou canst see and fire; and canst hear groans... Worse things unheard, unseen, remain behind."

Prometheus: :"Worse?"

Realms of Mysteria

Brian Lumley's Message Board

19/12/2001 13:15
Scheda Utente
Post: 414
Registrato il: 02/11/2001
Età: 116
Sesso: Maschile
Thank you for those links, they are vry very interesting...

<<....e attorno a lui fu subito DISCORDANZA, e molti che vicino a lui cantavano si scoraggiarono, il loro pensiero fu deviato......>> da "AINULINDALE"
20/12/2001 00:36
Scheda Utente
Post: 70
Registrato il: 01/11/2001
Sesso: Maschile
Oh! Thank you very much!! I don't know how to thank you!! Thanks a lot!!

"Sono il Fantasticatore, la passione che brucia la carne" - Iscrizione del sigillo del Fuoco
20/12/2001 11:09
Scheda Utente
Post: 16
Registrato il: 25/11/2001
Sesso: Femminile
My Pleasure :-)
Odin's site is just wonderful for researching different era's, believe me, I have spend hours on just his site alone!
Fury: "Blood thou canst see and fire; and canst hear groans... Worse things unheard, unseen, remain behind."

Prometheus: :"Worse?"

Realms of Mysteria

Brian Lumley's Message Board

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