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Spunti per Avventure

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 07/07/2008 13:27
18/05/2006 11:16
Scheda Utente
Post: 54
Registrato il: 30/03/2006
comincio chiedendo scusa a diablo se questa discussione andava integrata in altri thread, ma proprio non sapevo dove inserirla.

Volevo chiedere ai nuclearizzati tutti di postare spunti (tratti da esperienze o semplici idee) per storie/avventure per Vampiri the Masquerade.

Mi spiego: sul manuale dice che i conflitti fra cainiti suggeriscono infiniti spunti, ma a me ne vengono in mente pochi, senza scomodare eventi eccezionali (inquisizione, incursioni sabbat, rivolte contro il principe) o vertere su missioni alla D&D (c'è un vampiro cattivo e potente. Trovatelo e uccidetelo. Magari é pure nelle fogne-dungeon...! [SM=x77430] )

Grazie, ciao
18/05/2006 12:39
Scheda Utente
Post: 39
Registrato il: 27/12/2003
Età: 38
1) Un vampiro potente ti odia perchè [...], non puoi ucciderlo perchè se ti vede ti polverizza.
Trova un sistema per divenirgli simpatico/ mettergli cosi' i bastoni tra le ruote che non sia più interessato a te/ convincere un vampiro più potente di lui che va ucciso...
2) Un anziano a cui devi qualcosa ha bisogno di [...] ma non vuole sporcarsi le mani/ non può perchè [...]. Ti ordina/ ti ricorda il tuo debito, per cui devi farlo tu.

Schematizzati al massimo, ecco due tipologie di eventi in cui il conflitto tra cainiti offre spunto.
18/05/2006 13:01
Scheda Utente
Post: 3.443
Registrato il: 29/12/2003
Città: PISA
Età: 37
guarda, io attualmente sto giocando con un Narratore piuttosto in gamba, ti spiego sommariamente in cosa consiste la nostra situazione:

A New York il Principe è Johan Thelesius, Ventrue, io sono un Tremere infante del reggente della cappella principale, mentre l'altro Tremere del gruppo è invece infante del reggente della cappella secondaria.
Mentre il mio sire si è insediato da poco come reggente successivamente alla morte del suo predecessore, il sire del mio compagno di coterie ricopriva la sua carica già da tempo, quindi occupa ora un posto fra i Primogeniti (che prima era occupato dall'Anziano deceduto).
Un altro membro della coterie è un Lasombra Antitribù che ha contatti vari con malavita, contrabbando e simili, infine abbiamo una Toreador quasi sociofobica (la sua ansia si manifesta quando è in posti pieni di gente).

La vicenda è questa:
Nell'Elysium viene ucciso uno dei ghoul guardiani ed in città ci sono dei pazzi che squartano la gente e ne rubano gli organi sanguigni.
Il Principe chiede quindi dei volontari per indagare sulla questione.
Io mi offro volontario per primo, sapendo così che l'altro Tremere non potrà astenersi dal fare altrettanto dal momento che entrambi necessitiamo di mettere in buona luce noi stessi ed i rispettivi sire, ed infatti si offre anche lui.
Il Lasombra Antitribù stava cercando di parlarci per dei suoi strani sogni e perchè ogni notte si sveglia in acqua, quindi ci ha seguiti, la Toreador momentaneamente non è con noi.
Successivamente ad eventi che ora non sto a raccontare, al Lasombra ed al mio rivale Tremere è sfuggito un potente Gangrel che ha molto a che fare con la questione ma che non conosce le Tradizioni e che sembra alquanto folle, quindi lo Sceriffo (che ci sta guidando nell'operazione) è assai adirato con loro due, tutto a vantaggio del mio PG, almeno per ora.
Siamo quindi andati dai Nosferatu per avere informazioni, ma il Principe li aveva usati come carne da cannone nel precedente attacco del Sabbat, e quindi il prezzo è stato molto alto (per il Principe, che comunque già lo immaginava).

In breve, è interessante avere conflitti interni alla coterie che tendono si a passare in secondo piano in caso di questioni più rilevanti, ma anche a tornare a galla ad ogni piccola occasione di rivalsa sul rivale; tutto questo inserito comunque in un quadro generale che coinvolge parti più altolocate, magari in grado di offrire riparo o contatti per eventualità future.
18/05/2006 13:37
Scheda Utente
Post: 56
Registrato il: 30/03/2006
vi rignrazio entrambi, sia per i sintetici spunti che per la dettagliata descrizione del vostro giuoco. Era proprio quello che cercavo, vykos, prenderò spunti... GRACIAS
19/05/2006 18:59
Scheda Utente
Post: 4.967
Registrato il: 24/12/2003
Età: 40
Master per PbF
Di spunti c'è ne sarebbero davvero tanti da anni che gioco a Vampiri. Ora chiedo, o chiedi tu, a Marsilius Rayne di spiegare com'era la situazione all'inizio della sua campagna live Alba di Sangue. Già solo coi plot di partenza ci hanno giocato un'anno in 30 persone.
07/06/2006 13:35
Scheda Utente
Post: 9
Registrato il: 12/03/2006
Città: ROMA
Età: 41

Scritto da: Ultimo Grigiovento 19/05/2006 18.59
Di spunti c'è ne sarebbero davvero tanti da anni che gioco a Vampiri.

ehm...visto che sono anni che giochi a racconti brevemente qualche tua avventura? anche a me mi servirebbe qualche spunto, dato che ho iniziato a masterizzare da poco con un gruppo che non aveva mai giocato a vampiri

07/06/2006 14:05
Scheda Utente
Post: 114
Registrato il: 30/03/2006
Quoto totalmente nyarlatotepa o quel che é qui sopra: ho fatto domenica la mia prima sessione e ho preso ispirazione dall'avventura pbf di diablo, quella vittorian age. Solo il fatto degli omicidi, per ora...
11/06/2006 01:12
Scheda Utente
Post: 5.045
Registrato il: 24/12/2003
Età: 40
Custode del Tempo
Master per PbF

Anzitutto dovete ricordarvi che Vampiri differisce da D&D per un motivo molto particolare : in D&D le trame vanno avanti per eventi che succedono, in Vampiri le trame vanno avanti per eventi che i pg o png fanno accadere.
Nel senso : è tranquillo che un plot per un party fantasy sia l'attacco di un drago ad un castello mentre per una coteriè di vampiri un'attacco dell'inquisizione all'elysium è un fatto rarissimo.
Si può tranquillamente giocare una campagna con ogni sessione uno scontro coi licantropi, con l'inquisizione, col Sabbat, con gli infernalisti, ecc ma non è questa la vera potenzialità di Vampiri, inoltre alcuni clan sono oggettivamente meno utili di altri in combattimento e quindi inutili in una campagna stile picchiaduro a scorrimento (i master che le fanno si ritrovano sempre con coteriè fatte solo di Brujah, Gangrel, Lasombra e Tremere specializzati in magia da guerra).
Quindi come si snodano gli avvenimenti in una campagna di Vampiri ? Semplice : ogni pg dovrebbe avere uno scopo nella sua non-vita, che può essere una vendetta, un'ideale filosofico-politico, il ritrovamento di qualcosa o qualcuno, ecc.
Ora, questo è vero anche per i png.
Un master deve prima chiedersi non che eventi potrebbero accadere ma quali sono gli scopi dei vari png (chi sostiene il principe e chi no ? Perchè ? Chi è l'amante di chi ? Chi si scanna per la stessa area di influenza o lo stesso dominio ? Quali sono le amicizie e quali gli odi ? Chi ha segreti ?), una volta fatto questo le trame verranno da soli perchè i pg, per raggiungere il proprio scopo, incroceranno certo gli scopi degli altri png; alcuni cercheranno di aiutarli, altri di usarli ed altri di contrastarli.
Esempio : io ho un Tremere che ha come scopo il ritrovamento di un libro d'occulto che sò essere nascosto da qualche parte a Roma sotto piazza del popolo, segretamente questo è anche lo scopo di un png del clan Giovanni quindi ricercando il libro mi imbatterò in lui, nei suoi ghoul e nei suoi wraith e lui cercherà di fermarmi ed io di fermare lui. Un secondo png Brujah ha in odio il Giovanni perchè è suo rivale per il controllo della mala locale e, venuto a sapere della nostra rivalità, si offre di aiutarmi ma in realtà a lui non interessa il libro ma solo rompere le palle al Giovanni quindi quando non gli servirò più mi butterà via. Allo stesso tempo un png Nosfy cerca anche lui il libro e non vuole concorrenti, credendo che sia io che il Brujah lo vogliamo farà di tutto per metterci i bastoni fra le ruote : una bella bomba sulla mia macchina, che scatta quando sono in mezzo al traffico, non mi ucciderà forse ma la gente che mi vedrà correre via ferito più di quanto un umano potrebbe mai essere certo non incoraggerà il principe a credere che io sia un'affidabile paladino della Masquerade.
Adesso devo staccare ma al più presto se volete vi posto una "situazione di partenza" molto interessante per ambientarci una cronaca.
11/06/2006 11:48
Scheda Utente
Post: 118
Registrato il: 30/03/2006
Nella mia cronaca, come dicevo, tutto ha ruotato attorno a un omicidio particolarmente efferato, che la stampa ha definito "come lacerato da artigli di bestie immonde, scaturite..." ecc. ecc.
Al ché
1) Il brujah, un russo con contatti nella malavita, ha pensato bene di indagare, in quanto già così la polizia infesta la sua zona, immaginiamoci se succede di nuovo...
2) Il morto é un ricercatore bibliotecario della cerchia dei tremere (non un ghoul) e quindi il tremere ha avuto l'ordine di scoprire qualcosa.
3) Un gangrel, dopo la partenza del Clan dalla Camarilla, é sospettato per gli omicidi e il suo ex Primogenito é preoccupato che il Principe li cacci tutti e l'ha minacciato. Non si inseriva molto, tendeva ad aspettare gli eventi, quindi gli ho messo un png gangrel che, essendo la terza e ultima in città, lo ha preso in simpatia e lo trascina di forza nelle indagini (un po' tirata, lo so)
4) Una ventrue collegata alla yakuza, da poco a Manchester, ha deciso che visto i grandi sconvolgimenti del mondo criminale (lotte fra russi e italiani in cui é implicato anche il Brujah) é il momento buono per ritagliarsi uno spazio

Ai personaggi sembra essere piaciuto. Nessun combattimento, cominciano a conoscere i png (da sempre mia grande passione, anche in d&d, tutti e 38 i Fratelli della città, di cui almeno 20 con una storia di almeno mezza pagina word).

Unica critica ricevuta: poca spinta alla conoscenza dei personaggi giocanti tra di loro. A mia discolpa
1) Due di loro (tremere e ventrue) si sono incontrati sul luogo del delitto
2) Il brujah ha visto la ventrue interrogare un testimone da lui poi interrogato
3) il tremere ha visto il Brujah lavorare sul luogo del crimine
4) Al tavolo con i giornali, in Elysium, ventrue e tremere hanno atteso che il giornale di cronaca cittadina si liberasse dal gangrel e tutti hanno letto lo stesso articolo
5) un'altra ventrue e una tremere hanno presentato i due pg dello stesso clan e la ventrue sa che anche altri Fratelli indagano sullo stesso argomento

che altro dovevo fare, far arrivare il mercante che li ingaggiasse per l'avventura? [SM=x77430]
11/06/2006 20:00
Scheda Utente
Post: 177
Registrato il: 07/08/2005
Età: 35
secondo me è non è una critica, a me piace giocare da solo nel senso che non è che perchè stiamo indagando sulla stessa cosa dobbiamo per forza farlo assieme... cmq più i personaggi sono liberi di fare quelo che vogliono meglio è, se il gangrel non ha voglia di fare neinte perchè evidentemente il suo personaggio non ha uno scopo preciso io gli farei fare quello che vuole, dop che si è annoiato per magari due sessioni si inventerà qualcosa...
12/06/2006 00:23
Scheda Utente
Post: 700
Registrato il: 16/03/2005
Età: 43

Scritto da: gekigeki 11/06/2006 11.48
che altro dovevo fare, far arrivare il mercante che li ingaggiasse per l'avventura? [SM=x77430]

Certo!… Ma deve essere un figuro ammantato di mistero che tutti chiamano Caino… Così che da buon plot fantasy i giocatori si chiadano perché un tipo così c***uto ingaggi delle scamorze come loro!!

Ma pensa te! A te hanno criticato che non li hai fatti incontrare di più e noi abbiamo adattare man mano la croncaca proprio per far incominciare qualche PG/giocatore ad andare e ragionare più con i loro piedi!
12/06/2006 19:49
Scheda Utente
Post: 5.048
Registrato il: 24/12/2003
Età: 40
Custode del Tempo
Master per PbF
Spiegagli che Vampiri non è D&D, il party è una forzatura da usare solo in dati casi. Vampiri è un gioco di intrigo dove ognuno persegue la sua jhyad personale. Digli semplicemente : è il gioco che è fatto così.
Comunque complimenti per la campagna che sembra davvero interessante.
13/06/2006 00:44
Scheda Utente
Post: 706
Registrato il: 16/03/2005
Età: 43

Scritto da: Ultimo Grigiovento 12/06/2006 19.49
Spiegagli che Vampiri non è D&D, il party è una forzatura da usare solo in dati casi. Vampiri è un gioco di intrigo dove ognuno persegue la sua jhyad personale. Digli semplicemente : è il gioco che è fatto così.QUOTE]
Il problema che una buona parte di loro non ha nemmeno idea di cosa sia D&D!!… Onestamente non gliene faccio una critica se si sono aggregati quasi da subito, non erano solo vampiri molto giovani, ma anche giocatori inesperti, quindi appena hanno visto scoppiargli attorno qualche casino tipico da Jyhad si sono cagati nelle mutande e hanno iniziato a coalizzarsi.
Intanto le antipatie e alleanze di convenienza all’interno della coterie stanno incominciando a dare buoni frutti (per noi narratori) e se non fosse per la pausa estiva sarebbero iniziate le “vie di fatto” a suon di complotti e cospirazioni alle spalle… Tutto sommato stanno impanso lo spirito del gioco! [SM=x77408]
13/06/2006 11:28
Scheda Utente
Post: 119
Registrato il: 30/03/2006
i miei d&d lo conoscono, ma non credo il problema sia quello, a parte le battute sul mercante...

Credo che sia il problema principe di vampiri, che richiederebbe di giocare ogni sessione con un giocatore o perlomeno di avere due narratori
16/06/2006 01:23
Scheda Utente
Post: 5.055
Registrato il: 24/12/2003
Età: 40
Custode del Tempo
Master per PbF
Una schema dei vari pg e png con relative cose da fare può aiutare, inoltre ogni personaggio dovrebbe fare il suo gioco slegato dagli altri
16/06/2006 17:20
Scheda Utente
Post: 8.324
Registrato il: 05/11/2001
Custode del Tempo
ma mentre gioca un solo pg gli altri giocatori possono interpretare png al volo.. rendendo il gioco molto più cooperativo, dove ogni giocatore é master.. ma rimane sempre un master chiave che ha l'ultima voce su di tutto :D
25/06/2006 12:40
Scheda Utente
Post: 476
Registrato il: 08/02/2006
Età: 43
Mah, non concordo 1 gran chè: vampiri è un gioco individualista e spesso "usare" gli altri giocatori come interpreti dei png rovina i piani del pg, xchè poi il loro pg lo usano e dal momento che sanno troppo...
quindi licenzia i pg in eccesso e gioca con 3 giocanti e basta...
29/06/2006 11:48
Scheda Utente
Post: 5.077
Registrato il: 24/12/2003
Età: 40
Custode del Tempo
Master per PbF
In effetti è vero, o ai giocatori davvero onesti oppure meglio non fargli usare png. Recentemente una campagna a cui partecipavo è andata a farsi fottere per casini di in gioco\fuori dal gioco.
22/06/2008 16:56
Scheda Utente
Post: 1.222
Registrato il: 16/03/2005
Età: 43
"Spunti per Avventure”… Premetto che non so sia la discussione giusta, ma ho da fare domande un po’ particolari.

Con l’appropinquarsi dell’estate e dopo una lunga astinenza dal GDR è stata lanciata un’idea ardita e imponente: giocare dall’antica Roma a oggi!!
Però se non abbiamo carenza di materiale sull’antichità pre-medioevale (i CB ne parlano sufficientemente e dove non arriva la WW arrivano i libri di storia) abbiamo rilevato una certa carenza di riferimenti a personaggi di rilievo. Qua e là qualcuno salta fuori, ma son pochi come le informazioni in merito… Forse perché chi era in attività all’epoca nel medioevo si era già ritirato dalle scene, gestendo la Jyhad tramiti infanti degli infanti.

Chi ci sa dire qualcosa in merito??? Specialmente nomi e riferimenti che arrivano da materiale in inglese (i CB in italiano ce li abbiamo tutti). Grazie.

« Pianterò le mie radici nel mondo, profonde come i pilastri della terra, robuste come lYggdrasil! »
« Sogno il vento, sogno un viaggio più rapido dellalba che avanza sulla terra, sogno lultimo cancello delle stelle aperto per accogliermi il giorno della fine! »
03/07/2008 04:50
Scheda Utente
Post: 195
Registrato il: 14/10/2004
Età: 41
Time Line
Spero che questa Timeline le possa tornare utile Din:

Earliest occurrence of a Clan

Assamite 106AD
Brujah 1000BC
Cappadocians 146BC
Daughters of Cacophony -
Followers of Set 7000BC
Gangrel 1200BC
Garou 1252AD
Giovanni - (1444AD - Not confirmed)
Lasombra 1205AD (439AD - Not confirmed)
Malkavian 200BC
Nosferatu 5000BC
Ravnos -
Salubri 1133AD
Samedi - (17th cent. AD - Not confirmed)
Toreador 600AD (146BC - Not confirmed)
Tremere 1022AD (Become a vampire clan.
848AD Earliest appearence as Magi.)
Tzimisce 1022AD (1021AD - Not confirmed)
Ventrue 1258BC

Time Line

* * - Nobody really knows when all this began. Let's suppose there are Antediluvians out there.
* -13000 - The followers of Set arrive in Africa. [Cb-S, p18] [Its in the book!]
* -12000 - The First City is built.
* -10000 - The First City falls.
* -10000 - The Great Flood.
* -8300 - The Second City is built.
* -8000 - In the Jordan Vally a Neolithic culture comes into being. This leads to the Israelite tribes evolving. [WoD, p67]
* -7000 - Set was born. [Cb-S, p11]
* -6000 - Agriculture in the Nile valley
* -6000 - The Second City falls.
* -5000 - Baba Yaga is embraced by Absimiliard of clan Nosferatu. [WoD, p57]
* -5000 - Sutekh (Set) settles around the Nile. He will spawn the Setites as his clan. [PG2, p122]
* -4500 - Ashur Embraces Shaitan at this time. He is the Second to be Embraced by Ashur. He lives in the Second City for a time. He meets Ba'al and becomes his first follower.
* -4245 - Lower Egypt conquers Upper Egypt.
* -4000 - Farming to to the British Isles. [WoD, p9]
* -3500 - Tiamat is embraced by Arakura. Urlon of Urek is slain by Tiamat.
* -3300 - Sutekh was being worshiped by some mortals as the God of Night and Darkness. And started to call himself Set. [PG2, p122]
* * - Osiris takes control of Egypt and banishes his brother Set. [Mummy, p59]
* * - Set returns and imprisions Osiris. Later Osiris escapes and is torn limb from limb. [Mummy, p60-61]
* * - Meshta is turned into a Mummy [Mummy, p61]
* * - Horus is turned into a Mummy [Mummy, p61]
* * - Isis restores Osiris to life. Set kills him again. [Mummy, p62]
* * - Khetamon flees as the last of the Osiris' progeny. He doesn't stop until he reaches india. [Mummy, p64]
* * - Khetamon perfects his discipline of Bardo and returns from hiding to create the children of Osiris. [Mummy, p64]
* -3028 - Tiamat is embraced by Arakur of Ur. [BldH, p19]
* -3000 - Set's power is weakened by Horus' actions. [Mummy, p63]
* -3000 - Athens and Troy are built at this time. Humans begin abstract mathematics.
* -3000 Upper Egypt fights Lower Egypt.
* -3000 ish - Development of Osiran mythology
* -2834 - The sword of Nul is forged by Tiamat
* -2800 - Stonehenge is built.
* -2650-2190 - The Pyramids(?)
* -2620 - Birth of Queen Hetephras [Mummy, p69]
* -2610 - Birth of Sahura during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, aka. Cheops [Mummy, p11]
* -2500 - Mesannepadda's Dynasty of Ur, worshipping Innana and Dumuzi (aka Tammuz, a mythical king mythologized as a dead-and-risen god, in Book of Nod a vampire)
* -2350-2300 - Sargon of Akkad conquers the Fertile Crescent
* -2300 - The Sumerians first write about Gulfora.
* -2100 - Popularity of the Osiris cult; royalty promotes Amon-Ra cult
* -2000 - The start of the bronze age.
* * - Improvements in agriculture occure.
* * - The rise of the Egyptian pharaohs. The middle kingdom of egypt florishes.
* * - Nearly all of the British Isles were under cultivation. [WoD, p9]
* -1727 - Ankla Hotep is embraced by Smenkhara. [BbN, p120]
* -1728-1686 - Hammurabi rules in Babylon
* -1650 - The middle kingdom starts to decline due to the efforts of the mummies and the children of Osiris.
* * - And the invasion of the Semitic, Baal-worshipping Hyksos. Seth becomes identified with Baal in the mythology.
* * - Also around this time, the Aryan invaders, previously a minor presence, wipe out the Indus Valley culture. The aborigines are destined to become Dravidian untouchables and gypsies. Guess: Veddhartha leads the Arya to victory, Sara Kali leads her followers, mortal and otherwise, away to safety.
* -1523 - The first HIT Mark I's are made.
* -1500 - Agriculture improves to the point that human populations start increasing steadily.
* -1380 - Akhenaton and Nefertiti rule Egypt.
* -1300 - (15th dynasty, under Seti I) Kemintiri is embraced by Set. [KmW, p91]
* -1273 - Birth of Amen Khal [Mummy, p68]
* -1258 - Mithras is embraced by Veddartha of clan Ventrue. [WoD, p32]
* -1235 - Mithras is born. [WoD, p32] {It's in the book! Ed.}
* -1223 - Sethnakht becomes the pharaoh of Egypt. He upsets the Setites' control of Egypt during his reign. [WoD, p70]
* -1207 - Helena is embraced by Minos [CbN2, p111]
* -1200 - Meneleus is embraced by Troile [CbN2, p64]
* -1200 - The inscription known as 'Voices from the Shadows' seems to orignate from this era, due to its script and language. [Cb-S, p15]
* -1200 - Trojan War occurs.
* -1200 - Shaitan arrives in North America.
* -1200 - Enkidu is embraced by Gangrel in Sumer. [KmW, p36] The Gangrels live in Ur until its destruction by the Setites.
* -1191 - Birth of Khonseru [Mummy, p76]
* * - The New Kingdom - Egypt rules from the Sahara to the Euphrates.
* -1032 - Nefertiti is embraced by Set [BbN, p116]
* -1000 - Vasantasena is embraced by Unmada. [CotI, p29]
* -1000 - The Dionysian walks the earth.
* -1000 - The Iron Age begins.
* -1000 - The greek city stats begin to flourish.
* -1000 - Tristan & Travis are ghouled.
* -1000 - Iteration X (know as the Artificers at this time) influences both Greece and China more than any other Tradition.
* -1000 - The Brujah's Influence over the Greeks begin to increase.
* * - Egypt loses control over the Near-Eastern provinces.
* -950 - Horus forces Set from Egypt. [Mummy, p64]
* -900 - "A being known as Heru-Behutet and his warriors defeated Set and his allies in a great battle. Set was exiled and his followers slaughtered. In his anguish, Set vowed that if he were to be exiled into the darkness, then that darkness would become all-powerful." [PG2, p122]
* -900 - Himalayan Wars begin between the Akashic Brotherhood and the Handura. The Handura are later subsumed into the Euthanatos. The Ahl-i-Batin are formed. The verdant plain is reduced to the Afghanistan desert in a battle between the Celestial Chorus and the Handura. [AK Brother TradBook] [Book of Shadows.]
* -900 - Mesopotamia gains control over Assyria.
* -814 - Carthage is founded by the Phoenicians.
* -800 - The Ahl-i-Batin begin their Plan of Unity.
* -8th cent. - 13 Ventrue (led by Tinia) arrived in Italy with the Etruscans. [Cb-V, p17]
* -753 - Rome is founded.
* -668-626 - Assyria ruled by Assurbanipal; destroys Thebes in Egypt
* -650 - The Greeks (with Iteration X's help) formulate atomic theory.
* -648 - Assyria conquers Babylon
* * - Scythian invaders weaken Assyria
* -612 - The captial of Assyria, Nineveh, falls to Nabopalasser of Babylon.
* * - Setites stomp on the Baali bloodline.
* -600 - The Himalayan Wars end.
* -598 - Babylonian occupation of Jerusalem (the 1st Exile)
* -587 - Destruction of Jerusalem
* -552 - Stalest Coursain is embraced [DAV, p98]
* -540 - Pythagorean theory in invented along with the Laws of Conservation.
* -539 - Cyrus II of Persia conquers Babylon. Obviously Mithras was behind this one.
* -500 - The British Isles had progressed to tribes of farmers and herders, guarded by a warrior elite. [WoD, p9]
* -5th cent - Brujah take control of Carthage. [Cb-V, p17]
* -457 - The age of Pericles starts in Greece. [CbN2, p62]
* -450 - The Order of Mercury begins attacks against the Roman Kindred.
* -423 - Critias is embraced by Menele [CbN2, p66]
* -420 - Possible first appearance of the Gypsies in India. [Cb-G, p12]
* -400 - Possible fight between a Scandinavian hero (Grettir) and a Gangrel. [Cb-G, p12]
* -342 - Lyle is embraced [DAV, p99]
* -336 - Alexander the Great begins his conquest.
* -330 - Petaniqua is embraced by Cybele the day Alexander the Great assumed the throne of Macedonia. [KmW, p85]
* -331 - Alexander the great conquers Babylon.
* -320 - Necross is embraced [DAV, p92]
* -3rd cent. - Ventrue controlled most of Italy. [Cb-V, p17]
* -292 - Louhi is born. [WoD, p56]
* -256 - The Great Wall is Built.
* -250 - The Chinese invent the binary number system.
* -250 - Iteration X invents gunpowder.
* -220 - Romans begin to patrol the coast of Macedonia.
* * - A celtic Druid creates the Phylacterty of Recorded Memory.
* -200 - Louhi is embraced by Lerterimas of clan Malkavian. [WoD, p56]
* -200 - Under Camilla, the Ventrue control all of Italy.
* -173 - Brunhilde is born. [WoD, 55]
* -150 - Brunhilde is embraced by a Gangrel. [WoD, p55]
* -149 - The third Punic War begins.
* -146 - Carthage is betrayed and sacked. The Brujah face a coalition of the Cappadocians, the Toreador, and the Malkavians all under the control of the Ventrue of Italy. They burn the city for 17 nights. With the aid of Mages, they salt all the Earth around the city to keep the vampires in the ground.
* -132 - Saatet-ta is mumified (Bane).
* -100 - Ghede is embraced by clan Setite. [Cb-S, p64]
* -91 - The social war occures in Rome. Critias instigated this crisis, but his followers were put down by the roman Ventrues. [CbN2, p65]
* -86 - Eletria is embraced by Helena. [CbN2, p113]
* -55 - The first expedition of Julius Caesar reaches England. [WoD, p9]
* -51 - Mictlantecuhli is embraced [D-Mex]
* -50 - Setites regain 'some' control of Egypt using their agent Cleopatra. [WoD, p70]
* -50 - The Setites use Cleopatra to influence the Roman Senate.
* -46 - Caesar is appointed emperor of Rome.
* -45 - Caesar was named dictator for life of Rome.
* -43 - Claudius undertakes the conquest of Britain. [WoD, p9]
* -33 - Set destroys the cult of Isis.
* * - Set creates the bane mummies. [Mummy, p66]
* -30 - Egypt becomes a Roman provine, and as a result Cleopatra commits suicide. [Cb-S, p17]
* -27 - Amam the Devourer is born. [Mummy, p67]
* -11 - Saul conquers the Jordan Vally. [WoD, p67]
* -6 - Birth of Christ
* -3 - Victor is embraced [RAR, p91]
* -2 - The 5 simple machines are invented.
* 1 - Most of Britain was more or less peaceful, and numerous Roman towns started to form. [WoD, p10]
* 1 - Lucian is embraced.
* 6th cent. - The Prophet Muhammand and his followers bring most of the tribes of te Arabian Penisule under their control and the religion of Islam. [WoD, p68]
* 9 - German leader Arimnius defeats Roman army with help from the Get of Fenris.
* 12 - Rebekah is embraced by Elihu [CbN2, p145]
* 19 - Aine is born. [WoD, p30]
* 33 - Death of Christ.
* 33 - The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happen during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing in Jerusalem. [VTDA, p86]
* 33 - While Christ is being Crucifixed, a young Gypsie steels one of the nails, and was told by Jesus that his family will be free of the commandment "Thou shault not steal". Gypsie Folklore. [GYP, p39]
* 33 - "Set himself vanished from the world (likely to escape being a casualty of the Jyhad). Before he disappeared, Set promised his followers that he would eventually return in all his dark glory." [PG2, p122] [VTDA, p60]
* 37 - Caligula is the new Emperor of Rome. [WoD, p71]
* 37 - Setites manipulate the Romans into attacking the Nabataean Kingdom. [WoD, p71]
* 43 - Claudius undertakes the conquest of England. [WoD, p9]
* 47 - Aine is embraced by Bhallaire of clan Nosferatu. [WoD, p30]
* 66 - The Toreador take control of Nero when he visits Greece. The Ventrue try to regain control but cause him to be come insane (unless the Malkavians also tried to control him...)
* 79 - Mt. Vesuvius erupts and destroys Pompeii. Menele performed a rite to summon elementals of fire. Helena escapes to Egypt.
* 87 - Gotsdam is embraced by Tiamat [BldH, p38]
* 106 - Emperor Trajan finally conquors the Nabataeans. [WoD, p71]
* 106 - It was during this time that the Assamite clan saw a warrior know as Talaq. They deceide to embrace him. [WoD, p71]
* 117 - The Roman Empire is at the height of power.
* 132 - Horus moves to the Alps to make it a Mummy stronghold. [Mummy, p64]
* 3rd cent. - Due to the Setties manlipuations the Roman empire starts to tear itself apart. [Cb-S, p17]
* 200 - Mayan Society starts to florish.
* 325 - Ventrue forced Emperor Constantine to call the Nicaean Council, but were unable to influence any of the decisions made. [Cb-V, p18]
* 378 - Siegfried is embraced by Regulus [DAV, p97]
* 400 - Doissetep becomes the center for Magickal learning.
* 410 - Roman influence over England all but dies. [WoD, p10]
* 413 - The Cainite Heresy is founded by a Byzantine priest called Procopius. [VTDA, p48]
* 439 - The Kiasyd bloodline is created and breaks away from the Lasombra clan.
* 476 - Rome falls to attacking barbarians, due to the efforts of the Brujah.
* 483 - Inyanga is embraced by Esemkofu [CbN2, p86]
* 500 - The begining of the dark ages.
* 510 - The Cult of Enlightenment is formed.
* 515 - Guillaume is embraced by Hannibal of clan Brujah. [WoD, p56]
* 541 - Bubonic Plague hits Europe.
* 565 - First sightings of the Loch Ness Monster, Scotland.
* 594 - The Bubonic Plague ends after killing 1/2 of Europe's population.
* 597 - Saint Augustine goes to England to convert the people. [WoD, p10]
* 600 - Mayan society suffers a period of decline.
* 600'ish - Due to the collapse of the Roman Empire, some Toreador elders slip into torpor, hoping to awaken in another time of debauchery and excess. [VTDA, p89]
* 632 - The prophet Muhammed dies. [WoD, p68]
* 754 - The Cainite Heresy was uncovered and declared anathema, due to errors made by a group in Ostia. But by now, the Cainite worship was to extensive to destroy. [VTDA, p48]
* 771 - Charlemagne begins to form his empire.
* 793 - The first recorded Viking raid on England takes place off the Northumbrian coast. [WoD, p11]
* 800 - The Ahl-i-Batin reveal their Plan of Unity to the other Traditions. They form the first Council of Nine. Iteration X moves their HQ to Arabia. Algoritmi invents our modern 10 decimal math system.
* 800 - Charlemagne is crowned emperor of all Europe by Pope Leo III.
* 800 - Doissetep is taken over by usurper Mages. It is moved to Turkey.
* 806 - The sword of Nul returns. It winds up in Bayt Al-Himah "the house of wisdom" where it sits on a shelf.
* 812 - Ventrue control of Christianity reaches its height with Charlemagne. [Cb-V, p20]
* 840 - Norwegians in Ireland founded a city which became Dublin. [WoD, p11]
* 848 - The Magus Tremere was narrowly prevented from taking control of the entire Order of Hermes. [Cb-Tr, p15]
* 866 - The Danes take York and begin to colonize north of England. [WoD, p11]
* 878 - Alfred the Great of Wessex wins the battle at Edgington and forces the Danes to agree to a frontier. [WoD, p11]
* 879 - The Cainite Heresy worship has become formalised. [VTDA, p48]
* 10th cent. - Only the Akashic Brotherhood, Ahl-i-Batin, and Order of Hermes (which existed as a federation of sparate Houses). [VTDA, p253]
* 10th cent. - 12th cent. - The Toreador started to lose control of Byzantium to the Brujah, leading to Byzantium collapse. [Cb-To, p13]
* 900 - The Mound-Builder empires centered on Cahokia in the mississippi valley starts to florish.
* 900 - Doissetep is taken over by what will become the Order of Hermes. It is again moved. This time to Spain.
* 911 - Norwegians in France are granted land. The Duchy of Normandy is born. [WoD, p11]
* 932 - 'The Ghosts of the Five Tigers' occult group is founded in the Zhejian Providance of China.
* 963 - Ublo-Satha is embraced by Harlequin [CbN2, p122]
* 1000 - The Order of Hermes first identifies the loss of magick in the world and realizes that it may have something to do with the Order of Reason. [Cb-Tr, p15]
* 1000 - Entire Viking world accepts Christianity. [WoD, p11]
* 1000 - Pueblo Indians withdraw to canyon and cliff communities.
* * - Mayan civilation begins to rise again in the Yucatan.
* * - Leif Ericson discovers Vinland
* 11th cent. - For the first time the whole of England was under the control of a single ruler, Cnut the Great who also ruled Noway and Denmark. [WoD, p11]
* 1003 - Schism Wars, during which House Diedne was destroyed. [Cb-Tr, p30]
* 1010 - Caliph Haker renounces the holy city of Jerusalem.
* 1021 - Goratrix captures an elder of clan Tzimisce, forces him to turn his two apprentices into vampires, and than kills him. He takes his apprentices back to his Chantry to experiment.
* 1022 - Tremere, Etrius, Goratrix, Meerlinda are turned into Vampires [Cb-Tr, p16] [VTDA, p90]
* 1022+ - In fighting among the new vampires grows so high that is it rumored that Tremere himself is forced to Blood Bond the Council of Seven. Still denied by the clan to this day. [Cb-Tr, p17]
* 1022+ - The Tzimisce form alliances with the Gangrel and Nosferatu in the Eastern Europe areas. Chantry after Chantry fall until Goratrix perfects the Gargoyle and tells them to "...go forth and multiply.". The Tremere vampires destroy the other vampires. [Cb-Tr, p17]
* 1066 - Edward the confessor dies in England leading to war. [WoD, p12]
* 1066 - The battle of Hasting places William the Conqueror on the throne as the first Norman king of England. [WoD, p12]
* 1072 - The Crusades begin.
* 1077 - Father Iago is embraced by Le Fanu. [NObN, p58]
* 1086 - All of England is subdued under Norman rule. [WoD, p12]
* 1096 - The War of the Guilds starts, and last for another 150 years. [VTDA, p257]
* 1098 - The Sword of Nul is stolen by the thief of Bagdad, a Brujah.
* 1099 - The Thief of Bagdad reaches Jerusalem.
* 1099 - Jerusalem falls to the Christans.
* * - 7th crusade - Tariq is embraced by Bakr [KmW, p72]
* 12th cent. - Trajan emerges from torpor. [DC, p31]
* 1100 - Gratiano is embraced by Lasombra. [CotI, p39]
* 1100's (late) - A Italian prince and Hermetic magus (Lorenzo Golo) and a Templar magis (Simon de Laurent) uncover different translations of the Kitab al Alacir, and they form the Natural Philosophers Guild. [VTDA, p253]
* 1100 - Lambach Ruthven is embraced by Tabak. [CotI, p43]
* 1116 - Shaitan arrives in Mexico and takes control of the Aztecs.
* 1119 - The first Gargoyle is created by the Tremere as shock troops.
* 1121 - An Army of Gargoyles turns the tide against the Inconnu in the Tremere/Inconnu war.
* 1128 - The Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon (called the Templars) are officially recognised by the pope. [VTDA, p240]
* 1133 - Tremere discovers the havens of several sleeping Antediluvians. He chooses and drains Saulot (founder of the Salubri). Tremere also begins to slip in to Torpor lasting weeks or months. He tells the Council to organize the house. They do and divide the world then known among themselves. [Cb-Tr, p17]
* 1134 - First settling of Berlin area by Albrecht the Bear.
* 1137 - Erik Eigermann is driven in torpor in Berlin by Karl Schrekt the demon hunter from Vienna [BbN, p13]
* 1143 - Helena Embraces Galabraith who will become the Cardinal of Mexico.
* 1173 - Lady Dimitra is embraced by clan Gangrel. [Cb-S, p68]
* 1197 - Francois Villon is born. [WoD, p57]
* 1191 - Khalid is embraced by Alexius. [CbN2, p103]
* 1198 - Pope Celestine II dies and is replaced by Pope Innocent III. [VTDA, p50]
* 1199 - King Richard is killed in battle and succeeded by his vicious brother John. [VTDA, p49]
* 1199 - The Tremere council of seven have a meeting. [VTDA, p91]
* 13th cent. - Subitai is embraced in Poland. [WoD, p95]
* 13th cent. - Destruction of the Hermetic Covenant of Mistridge by Artificer Mages. Beginning of the Ascension War. [BSHAD]
* 13th cent. - Inquisition formed. [Cb-V, p20]
* 13th cent. - &14th cent. Inquisition wars. Which the Anarchs kill anyone, the Assamites came into the open and the Tremere Gargoyles started to become stubborn. [Cb-Tr, p18]
* 13th cent. - The begining of the Sabbat Movement. Started by the Brujah. [ANT, p74]
* 13th cent. - The fief of Winchester is the oldest fief in the British Isles. [WoD, p26]
* 1201 - Pope Innocent III calls for the Albigensian Crusades.
* 1205 - Pope Innocent the III instigates the Fourth Crusade. This will eventually lead to the Inquisition. [Cb-Tr, p17]
* 1205+ - Goratrix infiltrates the Church and takes control of it. He uses it to destroy enemies of the Tremere. The Council decides that Goratrix has overstepped his bounds and calls him before them. Goratrix runs away and hides after his power is taken away and given to Mistridge. [Cb-Tr, p18]
* 1205+ - First Anarch movement starts due to Inquisition killings. Because of the fact that the Elders sacrificed their childes to save their hides. [Cb-Tr, p18]
* 1205+ - The Anarchs make peace with the Assamites, and together kill the Lasombra 3rd generation Antedeluvian. [ANT, p100, p111)
* 1209 - The Path of Cathari becomes a Path of Enlightenment.
* 1210 - The Craftsmasons unite to storm the Mistridge Coveant. [VTDA, p253]
* 1215 - King John signs the Magna Carta. [WoD, p12, p19]
* 1215 - The Kiasyd overthrow the Ventrue in Strasbourg, Germany.
* 1220 - Gustav Breidenstein is embraced by Ilse Reinegger. [BbN, p61]
* 1229 - The start of the Spanish inquisition.
* 1230 - Villon is embraced by Helena of clan Toreador. [WoD, p57]
* 1231 - Pope Gregory IX officially founds the Society of Leopold. [Cb-V, p20] [ANT, p22]
* 1233 - The Albigensian crusade winds down.
* 1234 - Marchettus the bold is embraced by clan Brujah. [Cb-S, p67]
* 1235 - Karl Schrekt is embraced by Lotharius. [BbN, p58,85,107]
* 1240 - The start of the anarch revolution.
* 1244 - Ilse Reinegger came to Berlin from Belitz.
* 1252 - Pope Innocent IV authorizes the use of torture in the spanish inquisition. This is because he has been made aware of the existence of the Kindred, the Garou, and the Mages at this time. [ANT, p22]
* 1252 - First Ventrue caught by the Inquisition. [Cb-V, p20]
* 1258 - The Barons' Revolt takes place in England. [WoD, p19]
* 1260 - The Mamluks come to power, aided by Talaq of clan Assamite. [WoD, p79]
* 1283 - Iteration X loses an ancient Islamic scroll . They watch the man who finds it.
* 1289 - An ancient Islamic scroll is found. The contents awaken the reader's Avatar. He then forms a secret cult based on that information. This cult would later become the Sons of Ether.
* 1290 - The first son of Ether finds an interesting manuscript.
* 14th cent. - & 13th cent. Inquisition wars. During which the Anarchs kill anyone, the Assamites came into the open and the Tremere Gargoyles started to become stubborn. [Cb-Tr, p18]
* 14th cent. - The Technocracy is founded at the White Tower.
* 14th cent. During the middle of this century the Black Death appeared, causing more distrust amongst the kindred as the Tremere had only just arrived. Most of the 9th & 10th generation kindred in London die, due to feeding on tainted kine. Mithras takes advantage of this and capture the head of the Tremere Chantry and makes an example of him, also lots of the Tremere mortal agents disappeared. [WoD, p19]
* 1300 - The Mound-builder empire declines.
* 1300 - Ezuli is embraced by Ghede in Ethiopia. [WoD, p114]
* 1305 - Augusta Holford is embraced by clan Setite. [Cb-S, p63]
* 1313 - The Inquisition winds down. The Society of Leopold takes up the slack.
* 1312 - The Way of the Ancient Lawgivers is formed.
* 1314 - Nicolai is embraced by Stromburg. [CbN2, p118]
* 1314 - The Templars are denounced for heresay, and it's last Grand Master (Jacques de Molay) is burned at the stake, he curses those who conspired aginst him. [VTDA, p241]
* 1324 - First sleeper use of Cannon in Siege of Metz. [BSHAD]
* 1321/1325 - The Aztec civilization is on the rise in Mexico.
* 1325 - Destruction of Mistridge
* 1325 - The Order of Reason (the Technocracy's foundation) forms. [VTDA, p253]
* 1325 - Convention of the White Tower. [VTDA, p253]
* 1325 - The Cabal of Pure Thought, a group of Philosopher-Mages, meets in March in the White Tower. Founding of the future Technocracy. [MAGE2]
* 1330 - Ascension War begins; across the world realisty begins to tighten. Many Magi fall to persecutions, revolts, assassinations, plagues and outright battles within the Order of reason. [FRA]
* 1331 - The Aztecs begin to build their empire. Shaitan orders the deaths of all shape-shifters found through out Mexico.
* 1345 - The Anarchs slay the Tzimisce Founder.
* 1348 - Petrodon, Nosferatu is embraced by Cristo. Now Justicar. [Anar, p86]
* 1356 - The first HIT Mark II's are made.
* 1381 - The peasants revolt takes place in England. [WoD, p16]
* 1381 - Tyler is embraced by Robin Leeland. [CbN2, p67]
* 1394 - The Tremere Council member Meerlinda, along with the Ventrue Hardestadt, propose a league of vampires. No one listens. [Cb-Tr, p19]
* 1395 - The Ventrue Hardestadt is killed when the Brujah Tyler attacks his castle. [Cb-Tr, p19]
* 15th cent. - Elaine de Calinot is embraced. [Cb-Tr, p67]
* 15th cent. - The Condotierri are sworn in as sacred memebers of the Society of Leopold. These are the protectors of the Society and act as guards. [ANT, p26]
* 15th cent. - Canadian Lupines from the Wendigo tribe start settling in the forest land of northern New England. [DC, p23]
* 1400 - Karsh is embraced. [CotI, p25]
* 1400 - Jalan-Aajav is embraced. [CotI, p63]
* 1400 - Danov is embraced. [VtM2]
* 1400 - Iteration X calls the first Symposium. It is decided to usurp reality.
* 1415 - Critias financed the voyage that brought Menele to the new world [CbN2, p65]
* 1420 - The Anarch revolution reaches it's peak.
* 1420's - The seers of Chronos (now cultists of Ecstasy) and Ahl-i-Batin encourage the Houses of Hermes to call a worldwide Tribunal for the good of all Magi. Response is mixed. [FRA]
* 1424 - Bryan is embraced. [CbN2, p101]
* 1435 - The Camarilla/Sabbat/Anarch split.
* 1438 - The Incan civilization starts to rise in Peru.
* 1438 - Gutenberg's Bible undermines the oral tradition of the Celestial Chorus. [MAGE2]
* 1440 - Wilhelm Waldburg is embraced by Gustav Breidenstein. [BbN, p62]
* 1440 - Mistridge Tribunal - Hermetic Master Baldric {LaSalle, Hermes bani House Tytalus} begins a quest for great Magi. After many adventuers, he meets with Lady Nightshade (founder of the Verbena) and master Valorian (Founder of the Chorus) during the turning of the year. They confer in the ruins of Mistridge, and it is said that faeries visited them there. Reasons for this meeting vary, but all 3 come to an agreement to found a Magickal order of their own. They depart to find other like-minded masters. [FRA]
* 1441 - The Tremere find the sword of Nul and store it in a safe place.
* 1444, 14/04 - Augustus Giovanni diablerizes Cappadocius.
* 1450 - The Mayan civilation comes to an end.
* 1450 - Henri Del gardo is embraced by Ansethe.
* * - The Renaissance period begins.
* 1450 - The Toreador Rafeal de Corazon makes his famous speech which leads to the Camarilla and the Masquerade. [Cb-Tr, p19]
* 1450+ - Etrius moves the Tremere from the Coeris Chantry in Transylvania, to his old one in Vienna. [Cb-Tr, p20]
* 1453 - Copernicus releases his paper, De Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium heralding the rise of the tecnocracy.
* 1456 - The Servants of Irad are formed.
* 1460 - The Wars of the Roses takes place in England. [WoD, p12]
* 1462 - Constantinople falls to Muslim turks.
* 1465 - The Council of Nine Mystick Traditions forms. [VTDA, p253]
* 1466 - Summer Solstice, Council of the Nine Mystick Traditions is formed. [MAGE2]
* 1466 - The Council of Nine include the Solificati, the presecessors to the sons of ether, who fade within a century.
* 1486 - The Camarilla declare a bloodhunt against the clan Assamite [Cb-A, p16]
* 1492 - Columbus reaches America.
* 1493 - The 'End' of the first Anarch revolution. [Cb-A, p16]
* 1493 - The signing of the Convension of Thorns. [Cb-A, p16]
* * - The Signing of the original code of Milan.
* * - Most gargoyles flock to Paris.
* 1494 - Harzomatuili is claimed by the Wyrm and becomes a Spiral Dancer. He will eventually become the leader of the Sepulchre in Mexico City.
* 1496 - The signing of the Treaty of Tyre, Assamites vs Camarilla. [Cb-A, p16]
* 1496 - Most Assamites accept the 'Tremere' curse, creating two sections of the clan, the 'cursed' and the 'unconquered'. [Cb-A, p16]
* 16th cent. - Councilor Meerlinda working though Dr John Dee, encouraged British exploration of the new world. [Cb-Tr, p20]
* 16th cent. - The Ottoman Turks gain control of the Arabian Peninsula, but was only after taxes. [WoD, p68]
* 16th cent. - The inscription known as 'Voices from the Shadows' after beeing carbon dated. seems now to orignate from this era. [Cb-S, p15]
* 1500 - Vlad Tepes is embraced by Lambach. [CotI, p9]
* 1507 - Katarina Kornfeld is embraced by Gustav Breidenstein. [BbN, p66]
* 1511 - The Aztecs try to take El Dorado to the south but are stopped by his allies, the Black Furies. They are stopped to the north by more Garou.
* 1512 - Don Caravelli is born. [WoD, p55]
* 1512 - Battista Decamerone is born. [DC, p45]
* 1515 - Rambam performs a ritual to return Talaqq (Assamite) to human form and grant him extended life. In return Talaq influence the Ottoman ruler (Suleiman the Magnificent) to raise a wall around Jerusalem and protect the city. Talaq then fakes his death, so he could escape the Assamites. [WoD, p72-73]
* 1517 - Luther's 95 theses set up things for the Christian Reformation.
* 1519 - Cortes arrives in Mexico with 600 men, a cannon, Helena, Quetzalcoatl, Motolina, and Bernardino. Motolina is Blood Bound to Helena and will eventually change his shape to match that of Helena's. Cortes claims Mexico for Spain, with the help of Helena and Quetzalcoatl. Shaitan call to his masters for help. They answer by spawning the Pandemonium. Helena find Shaitan in Torpor and is scared away. She runs north. Helena leaves behind one of her Progeny, Galbraith, who becomes the Prince of Mexico City. Shaitan takes control of Galbraith.
* 1520 - A revolt kills 400 Spanish and the Aztec empire is reestablished.
* 1521 - Hernan Cortes returns and retakes Mexico in 75 days. He brings with him weapons, the Inquisition, and the Sabbat. The Sabbat recruit Galbraith. She will eventually be come the Sabbat Cardinal for all of Mexico.
* 1526 - Hunedoare Castle falls to the forces of Vlad. [WoD, p59]
* 1527 - John Dee is born. [WoD, p34]
* 1528 - Vlad Tepes joins the Sabbat.
* 1530 - Lord Marcus develops the path of power and the inner voice.
* * - Franscico Pizarro conquors the Incans.
* 1531 - The Virgin of Guadalupe is first seen. To this date, no one knows for sure what it was.
* 1532 - Ellison is embraced by Melitta Wallenberg. [BbN, p52]
* 1533 - The reign of Ivan the Terrible begins in Russia.
* 1536 - The Path of Power and the Inner Voice is invented by Lord Marcus of the Lasombra.
* 1543 - Masdela is embraced by Elonzo. [BldH, p14]
* 1550 - The Renaissance period winds down.
* 1550 - The Twilight Cult is formed.
* 1556 - Stanford Warwick is born. [DC, p52]
* 1557 - Don Caravelli is embraced by Antonius Caracus of clan Brujah. [WoD, p55]
* 1558 - Elizebeth I ascends the throne in England.
* 1560 - The Spanish and Portuguese claim much of South and Central America, and kindred flock to the America's including some Settites. [Cb-S, p18]
* 1563 - A general outbreak of Bubonic plague strikes Europe.
* * - The Sabbat make a general blitz on all of Europe.
* 1566 - Dr. Mortius is embraced by Mesita. [BldH, p57]
* 1571 - Battista Decamerone is embraced by an unknown indian of clan Gangrel. [DC, p45]
* 1571 - Kepler makes his laws of motion.
* 1579 - Madame Guil is embraced by the Baron Volgirre. [BldH, p10]
* 1579 - Sir Francis Drake claims what will be San Francisco for his queen. A massive earthquake shatters the area and forms San Francisco Bay only days latter.
* 1584 - Ivan the terrible dies ending his reign in Russa.
* 1584 - Stanford Warwick is embraced by Powell of clan Nosferatu. [DC, p52]
* 1585 - The Ottoman Empire comes to an end.
* 1588 - The Spanish Armada attacks England and is decimated. [WoD, p13]
* 1590 - The Roanoke Colony vanishes.
* 17th cent. - Councilor Meerlinda first permanent colonists arrive on the New Worlds shores. [Cb-Tr, p20]
* 17th cent. - Vampires arrive in Haiti. [WoD, p113]
* 17th cent. - Genina is embraced by the Baron Samedi. [KmW, p31]
* 17th cent. - Valerius Maior is embraced by Varro? [KmW, p78]
* 17th cent. - Robert Pedder is embraced. [WoD, p90]
* 17th vent. - Lady Jane is embraced by Mad Tom of clan Malkavian. While staying in a assylum in England. [Cb-M, [63]
* 1602 - First production of Hamlet
* 1604 - Galileo proves the laws of gravity. The Technocracy starts calling itself The Technocracy.
* 1605 - The Catholic Gunpowder Plot takes place in England. This was supposedly backed by the Tremere. [WoD, p20]
* 1605 - Samual de Champlain's visits New England. [DC, 15]
* 1607 - Jamestown is founded in Virgina.
* 1607 - John Dee is invited to Vienna. [WoD, p33]
* 1608 - John Dee is embraced by Meerlinda. [WoD, p34]
* 1609 - Galileo builds the first telescope.
* * - The Sabbat retreat to Scandinavia
* 1610 - A coterie of Brujah diabolists rediscover the Path of Evil Revelations due to the influence of the Baali.
* 1611 - Smiling Jack is embraced by Mama Lion. [LAbN, p70]
* 1612 - Aaron creates his feeding razor.
* 1614 - John Napier discovers Logarithms.
* 1614 - William Biltmore is born. [DC, p46]
* * - Countess Bathory's death is faked and she joins the Sabbat.
* 1618 - The 30-year war starts in Europe
* 1620 - Pilgrims come to Cape Cod.
* 1622 - Richelieu is made a Cardinal.
* * - Opechancanough leads his indians against the settlers in Virgina.
* 1626 - Richelieu makes a powerplay in France.
* 1628 - Lianna is born. [WoD, p39]
* 1630 - Puritans come to Cape Cod.
* 1631 - Jeremy Macneil is born in Scottland
* 1635 - Tyrus is embraced by Gareth. [CbN2, p88]
* 1635 - Anne Bowesley is born. [WoD, p36]
* 1635 - Madeline Coventry of the Tremere fist arrives in Boston to set up a new Chantry, but finds there are not enough humans to make any more Kindred. So bides her time, and waits. [DC, p15]
* 1638 - Descartes proposes the existance of Ether. This causes a massive stir in the Technocracy.
* 1639 - Geoffrey Thorn and Nathaniel Gray form the Order of the Golden Dawn. [DC, p25]
* 1642 - Bainbridge retracts his former superstions about comets.
* 1642 - Pascal creates the Pascaline, the first adding machine.
* 1642 - William Biltmore is embraced by Le Fanu of clan Malkavian. [DC, p46]
* 1642 - The English Civil War begins. [WoD, p13]
* 1644 - Opechaneanough is captured ending the Indian troubles in Virgina.
* 1644 - Geoffrey Thorn discovers the Ur Codex, an old Greek text, about ascend the "stairs of power". [DC, p25]
* * - Descartes principles of philosophy are published.
* * - The rise of the Manchu Dyasty in China.
* * - The Sons of Ether and the Technocracy start feuding.
* 1645 - Lianna is embraced by Pascoe of clan Toreador. [WoD, p38]
* 1645 - The Rotal Order of the Edenic Groundskeppers is formed.
* 1648 - The 30-years war ends.
* 1649 - Charles I is executed in January. [WoD, p13]
* 1650 - Archbishop James Ussher of Armagh concludes that Creation occured in 4004 BC.
* 1650 - Geoffrey Thorn and Nathaniel Gray, via a ritual, kill Head Minister, and are betrayed, and sentanced to death, they claim that they will return. [DC, p25]
* 1652 - The English Civil War ends. [WoD, p13]
* 1656 - The Sabbat gain memebership from Quebec Brujah (French). [DC, p24]
* 1657 - Jeremy MacNeil is embraced by James. [LAbN, p67]
* 1658 - Death of Cromwell. [WoD, p13,p20]
* 1660 - The Stuart King Charles II comes to the throne. [WoD, p13]
* 1665 - Jeremy Skelton is born. [DC, p61]
* 1666 - The Great Fire of London takes place. [WoD, p13,p20]
* 1666 - Geoffrey Thorn and Nathaniel Gray, via the body of Samuel Bridgewater, return and take conrol of half of the covern. [DC, p25,p26]
* 1672 - Gottfried Leibuiz creates a working calculator.
* 1673 - Philippe Rigaud is embraced by Henri. [CbN2, p138]
* 1682 - Christopher Houghton is embraced by Sir Matthew Lubbock. [LAbN, p83]
* 1683 - Roman Pendragon is born. [DC, p40,p41]
* 1688 - Lady Anne Bowesley is embraced by Valerius of clan Ventrue. [WoD, p36]
* 1688 - William of Orange lands in England. [WoD, p35]
* 1688 - James II is defeated by his own troops, and flees. [WoD, p14]
* 1692 - The start of the Salem Witch Trials. The Ventrue try to destroy the Tremere. They think that they won. Coventry is firmly entrenched in her Salem Chantry. [DC, p16]
* 1693 - The Treaty of Durham is signed by the Ventrue and the Toreadors. [WoD, p21]
* 18th cent. - Alexis, alias Danya is embraced by Dimitri. [KmW, p61]
* 18th cent. - The Society of Leopold power and memebership hit a all time low. [ANT, p23]
* 18th cent. - John Diamond is embraced by Meerlinda. [Cb-Tr, p27]
* 18th cent. - The Camarilla clans in New England, try to hold back the Sabbat. [DC, p12]
* 1700 - Yaryan is embraced by Clear Brook. [CbN2, p146]
* 1700 - Ghede (Setite) sends Ghouls to Haiti to prepare the way for his visit. [Cb-S, p64]
* 1701 - Zachariah Slane is born. [DC, 112]
* 1702 - Jeremy Skelton is embraced by Marcel DeBreau (deceased) of clan Brujah, and later joins the Sabbat. [DC, p61]
* 1703 - Pendragon is embraced by Dark Selina. [DC, p40,p41]
* 1710 - Samuel Bridgewater dies, and via a ritual, transfers the spirts of Thorn and Grey to the head Acolyte. [DC, p25]
* 1712 - Jarthis the slaver is embraced and he creates his merchant empire.
* 1715 - Several Edinburgh Ventrue are slaughtered by the Toreadors. The Toreadors try and fail to put James Stewart on the throne. [WoD, p21]
* 1720 - Tibet becomes a tributary of china.
* 1721 - Jacques Sirque is born. [DC, p43]
* 1722 - Annabelle is embraced by Maria. [CbN2, p112]
* 1723 - Antonio Calbullarshi is embraced by Astio Giavetti. [NObN, p69]
* 1723 - Menele begins to live with the Indians and comes close to Golconda.
* 1730 - John Reiss is born. [DC, p59]
* 1734 - Pug Jackson is embraced by Stranganyika of clan Brujah. [DC, p43,p44]
* 1740 - Comte de St. Germain first appeared. [Cb-Tr, p68]
* 1741 - Zachariah Slane is embraced by Maria Haige of clan Tremere. [DC, p112]
* 1743 - An anarch named Rutherford reviels his true nature to a masonic lodge creating a group of hunters.
* 1745 - The Toreadors try to put Bonnie Prince Charlie on the throne. [WoD, p21]
* * - The word 'vampire' first appears in the oxford dictionary.
* 1746 - First female Assamite embraced. [Cb-A, p21]
* 1750 - The first mechanical limb is built.
* 1750 - The Tremere realised that Goratrix had joined the Sabbat, and was responsible for the defections of young Tremere under the House Goratrix. All have been branded with a sigil on their foreheads visable to any Tremere magus. [Cb-Tr, p20]
* 1754 - The start of the French-indian war
* 1755 - Maxwell is embraced by Altamira. [CbN2, p68]
* 1756 - Jacques Sirque is ghouled by Pendragon. [DC, p43]
* 1757 - Peter Kleist is embraced by Gustav Breidenstein. [BbN, p64]
* 1759 - Marguerite Foccart born, soon to become a Brujah. [Cb-B, p64]
* 1759 - Effie Feng is born. [DC, p51]
* 1763 - The treaty of Paris is signed ending the french-indian war and ending any chance of France becoming a power in the new world.
* 1763 - The Void Seekers map El Dorado out of existence.
* 1763 - Jara Drory is born. [DC, p55]
* 1765 - Marguerite Foccart travels to America to help out the rebellion in the colonies. [Cb-B, p15]
* 1767 - Elsa Linden is born. [DC, p57]
* 1769 - Upton Rowlands is born. [DC, p60]
* 1770 - The Boston massacre takes place.
* 1776 - The start of the American revolution.
* 1776 - Quentin King III is born. [DC, p48]
* * - Sabbat influence in America increases.
* 1778 - Muricia preforms the ritual that turns her into the first Ahrimane.
* 1778 - John Reiss is embraced by Johann Kaspar of clan Tremere. [DC, p59]
* 1781 - Uranus is discovered.
* 1783 - The end of the American Revoultion.
* 1783 - The combined forces of the Brujah, Malkavian and Gangrel take control of Boston from the Ventrue. [DC, p16]
* 1784 - Effie Feng is embraced by Sun Tai T'ung of clan Malkavian. (Possible Gaki) [DC, p51]
* 1789 - Countess d'Adhemar is embraced by Madame Guil. [KmW, p64]
* 1788 - The British convict fleet settle in Sydney Cove, Australia. [Cb-S, p19]
* 1789 - The first follower of Set arrives in Australia. [Cb-S, p19]
* 1789 - The start of the French Revolution, the first anarch true victory. [Anar, p15]
* 1790 - Ezuli (Settite) comes to Haiti, to create a temple. [WoD, p114]
* * - Start of the industrial revolution.
* 1791 - Elsa Linden is embraced by Annabelle Triabell of clan Toreador. [DC, p57]
* 1792 - Count Germaine is embraced by Critias. [KmW, p65]
* 1793 - The reign of Terror begins in France. Many vampires flee.
* 1795 - The Winchester Chantry in England sends Baladin to find out what happened to the Salem Chantry. He finds a strong Sabbat presence and attempts to take control of it. A huge battle ensues and Conventry retreats to Salem where she falls in to Torpor. [DC, p17]
* 1795 - General 'Mad' Anthony Wayne defeated the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, and Fort Dearborn was established. [UBRM, p16]
* 1796 - Coventry comes out of torpor and goes on a six day feeding frenzy. [DC, p17]
* 1797 - Jacques Sirque is embraced by Pendragon. [DC, p43]
* 1798 - The Toreador settle in Cairo and Alexandria when Napoleon invades Egypt. [Cb-S, p18]
* 1799 - Napoleon gains control of France.
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